>>>Hercules Vladimirou

Hercules Vladimirou
Department of Business
and Public Administration

Hercules Vladimirou is Professor of Management Science in the Department of Business and Public Administration of the University of Cyprus (UCY). He has been on the faculty of UCY since its establishment: Assistant Professor (1992-1997), Associate Professor (1997-2012), Professor (2012-present). Previously, he was Researcher at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, New York. He holds the degrees: BSE (1984, summa cum laude), Civil Engineering, and MSc (1985, distinction), Structural Engineering, from Duke University; MA (1988) and PhD (1991), Operations Research from Princeton University. He held a Fulbright Scholarship throughout his studies at Duke, where he received prizes for his academic performance, including the James B. Duke Graduate Fellowship awarded to the top graduate in engineering. At Princeton he received a Graduate School Merit Award. His research interests are: stochastic programming, models for planning under uncertainty, financial modeling and data science. His work has been published in international journals, Management Science, European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of Banking and Finance, Annals of Operations Research, Networks, Quantitative Finance, as well as in books and encyclopedias. He has edited eight collective volumes, served on editorial boards and as a reviewer for a number of journals and organized several conferences. He teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in management science, optimization modeling, business analytics and business statistics. He also taught courses in financial modeling, risk management and information systems. He taught intensive courses and workshops on these topics in Copenhagen, Vienna, Bergamo, Bolzano, Helsinki, etc. At the University of Cyprus, he has served for multiple terms in various administrative posts: department chairman, member of the Senate and the School Faculty Board, co-director of the MBA program, and various university committees. He served on the Board of Directors of the Cyprus National Scholarships Foundation, as a reviewer for several EU-funded projects, and as a reviewer of programs of studies for international and national accreditation institutions.